Integritetskränkningar kan ge offret en rätt till ersättning. Hur stor ersättning beror på kränkningen. De mest omfattande fallen av s.k hämndporr kan medföra skadestånd över 100 000 kr. I mindre allvarliga fall är ersättningen ofta betydligt lägre.

Det är intressant att kontrastera de svenska ersättningarna med synen i andra länder. Från engelsk rätt hämtar vi ett färskt avgörande i det välkända fallet där engelska tidningar (Daily Mirror) ägnat sig åt telefonavlyssning av kändisar, inklusive Sadie Frost och Paul Gascoigne.

Domstolen beskriver bakgrunden:

This is a claim based fundamentally on infringements of privacy rights.   The defendant is the proprietor of three newspapers – the Daily Mirror, the Sunday Mirror and The People.  The claimants are persons in the public eye such as actors, sportsmen, or people with an association with such people.  In one case (Mr Yentob) he held important posts in the BBC.  In all cases the infringements of privacy rights were founded in what has become known as phone hacking, though there are also claims that confidential or private information was also obtained in other ways (principally from private investigators).  In all cases except [en av parterna] there is also a claim that infringements of privacy rights led to the publication of articles in the various newspapers just described, which articles were themselves said to be an invasion of privacy rights and which would not have been published but for the earlier invasions which provided material for them.

Avgörandet är, för en svensk betraktare, väldigt genomarbetat och genomtänkt. Men det som kanske mest sticker i ögonen är de belopp som domstolen till slut kommer fram till och som sammanfattas här:

  • Alan Yentob: One overall figure taking into account the extent and nature of the invasion of his privacy and modest aggravated damages, £85,000 [252].
  • Lauren Alcorn: Damages of £42,000 in relation to five articles, £3,000 in respect of the acquisition of information, £17,500 for invasions generally and a further £10,000 for upset and effect on relationships. This gave an overall total of £72,500 [283] to [292]
  • Robert Ashworth: Damages of £142,750 in relation to 19 articles, £5,000 in respect of the activities of private investigators, £30,000 for invasions generally, an additional £20,000 for distress and £3,500 for aggravated damages. This gave an overall total of £201,250 [293] to [364].
  • Lucy Taggart: Damages of £99,250 in relation to 19 articles, £3,000 in respect of the activities of private investigators, £15,000 for additional distress, £40,000 for the invasions generally with no further award of aggravated damages. This gave an overall total of £157,250 ([365] to [435]).
  • Shobna Gulati: Damages of £75,500 in relation to 8 articles, £5,000 in respect of the activities of private investigators, £15,000 for additional distress, £22,000 for the invasions generally with no further award of aggravated damages. This gave an overall total of £117,500 ([436] to [480]).
  • Shane Roche: Damages of £85,000 in relation to 13 articles, £5,000 in respect of the activities of private investigators, £25,000 for additional distress, £40,000 for the invasions generally with no further award of aggravated damages. This gave an overall total of £155,000 ([481] to [537]).
  • Paul Gascoigne: Damages of £78,250 in relation to 18 articles, £30,000 for distress caused by the general publicity, £10,000 in respect of the activities of private investigators, £20,000 for additional distress, £50,000 for the invasions generally with no further award of aggravated damages. This gave an overall total of £188,250 ([538] to [599]).
  • Sadie Frost: Damages of £182,750 in relation to 30 Articles, £10,000 in respect of the activities of private investigators, £30,000 for additional distress, £37,500 for the invasions generally with no further award of aggravated damages.  This gave an overall total of £260,250 ([600] to [701]).

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